Antelope tags can be very hard to come by as all our outfitters target trophy bucks. There are enormous antelope herds on our outfitter’s properties and are growing every year. Once again, if you have Preference Points, the probability of you getting onto one of these goats will increase a great deal. Landowner vouchers are also available so be sure to get in touch and get your name on the list.
- Archery ($1500-$2500) – For archery hunts, ground blinds and tree stands near water holes have all been prepared. These hunts can be extremely challenging, however, you’ll have the advantage with the homework our outfitters have done before you arrive.
- Muzzleloader – These hunts can be amazing as you may be hitting the prime of the rut. Just as with elk, the sight of an animal closing can be exhilarating.
- Rifle ($2000-$3500) – A few of our outfitters have seen a 100% success rate on rifle pronghorn hunts but be sure you have steady hands. Hunting these animals with a rifle can be incredibly fun and rewarding so prepare for a good time!